CONSERVATION takes a multi-faceted approach to protecting and conserving native landscapes in California and here at home in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Our approach takes on developments that are too broadly scoped or purport to destroy rare plants and critical habitat with methods that skirt, delay, belittle, muddy, or confuse the environmental review and mitigation process. Our team engages with agencies, stakeholders, scientists, concerned CNPS members, and organizational allies to illuminate the latest science behind native plant ecology and defend the positive functions of our environmental laws and policies.
By joining the Conservation Committee, you can make a huge difference in sharing and implementing effective advocacy and put use activism strategy that engages with local and statewide community empowered leadership. San Diego and Imperial Counties face a myriad of interrelated issues and need urban renewal and focused development in sustainable ways that create and preserve wildlands and wildlife corridors. Where native plants thrive, so do the people that live nearby.
APPRAISE and SPEAK OUT on Environment Impact Reports (EIR), Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP), Resource Management Plans (RMP), and advancing the completion of the North County, South County, and East County Multiple Species Conservation Programs (MSCP).
STAND UP for native plants by adding your voice to the public forum and meeting with stakeholders to find balanced solutions to complex problems.
COLLABORATE with CNPS Conservation Directors and Committee Chairs as well as agency scientists. Join a broad coalition of activists and defenders of California’s natural resources!
ADVOCATE policies and make recommendations that become part of our environmental laws.
SHARE KNOWLEDGE & PERSPECTIVE to understand how proposed development and vegetation removal programs would impact ecology.
ENGAGE residents and allies to speak up for conservation alternatives and support public acquisition and protection of natural areas, towards meeting the nation’s goal of conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and oceans by 2030.
PREVENT EXTINCTION of our rare plants and the wildlife that depend on them for survival.
REDUCE & ELIMINATE POTENTIAL IMPACTS from overt fuel modification, devastating climate change and extreme seasonal events, introduction and spread of invasive species, overly selfish recreation practices, and policies that are detrimental to our comfort and appreciation of healthy, thriving, and connected wild lands.
JOIN the CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: and come to our public meetings on the EVENTS CALENDAR. We generally meet the first Tuesday of every month online and in person from 6:00PM to 7:30PM.
California Native Plant Society Conservation Conference PAGE LINK
Banner photo by Tom Oberbauer 2018