The Habitat Restoration group does restoration on various parcels of land. We primarily follow the Bradley Method. Our approach is a hands-on training program where volunteers can see most growth stages over a one year cycle. Through hands-on training, volunteers systematically remove weeds in a way that allows native vegetation to expand and re-vegetate open space areas. Our ideal volunteer/trainee is someone who can make a regular commitment for a year or more. That being set, we are very flexible and accommodating. Only an orientation to cover basic safety and our methodology is required.
Restored area of Lusardi Creek
All of our current project areas are in the San Dieguito River Watershed where we have several thousand acres. Historically, we restore 50-75 acres a year to native. Some of our former volunteers have moved on to other areas. Some work in other watersheds in San Diego County. Others are in other parts of the state or nation continuing their efforts for nature.
![Carnation spurge (Euphorbia terracina) is one of our target invasive species](
![A volunteer stacks cut stalks of invasive giant reed (Arundo donax).](
To get involved as a volunteer with the Habitat Restoration Committee please email Arne Johanson and Bob Byrnes
Additional Sources
Beautiful But Bad, Pretty Plant Pests - Article and photos by Jon P. Rebman, Curator of Botany, San Diego Natural History Museum.
California Invasive Pest Plant Council (Cal-IPC) - Based in Berkeley, the California Invasive Pest Plant Council (Cal-IPC) is dedicated to finding solutions to problems caused by non-native pest plants invading the state's natural areas. - This is a gateway to Federal and State activities and programs for all types of invasive species -- plants, animals, and other organisms (e.g., microbes such as the West Nile virus).
University of California Cooperative Extension County of San Diego, Regional Advisor on Invasive Plants - County based website providing more information on controlling invasive weeds, protecting agriculture and natural resources.
University of California Cooperative Extension Weed Research and Information Center (WeedRIC) - Housed on the UC Davis campus, the Weed Research and Information Center’s mission is to foster research in weed management and facilitate distribution of knowledge gained for the benefit of agriculture and the preservation of natural resources.
Banner Photo by Erika Daniel