PROPAGATION covers all aspects of growing native plants in a nursery setting, with the goal of planting healthy, thriving new plants into gardens or restoration sites so wildlife and biodiversity can thrive. Our committee can also grow native plants for our Plant Sales, contributing mightily to the sustainability and resilience of the Chapter’s fundraising efforts.

There are many locations that grow native plants in the County. Our San Diego Chapter’s primary nursery hub is the Tecolote Nature Center’s native plant nursery in Bay Park where we learn, share, experiment, and apply guided methods known to improve success of sometimes challenging plants to grow. Plants grown here are used for restoration projects around San Diego’s canyons and Open Spaces in concert with the City Rangers volunteer programs. We also provide specific resources and cultivate dialogue on improving CNPS member goals for growing plants at home.

We utilize methods adapted for San Diego as well as the state wide CNPS STRATEGIES for Horticulture Science.

Learn to grow your favorite natives in an a collaborative way alongside some of the most accomplished native plant growers in the County!

Photo credit: Justin Daniel 2022


Join our email list at to get updates on twice per month meetings. Check out our calendar for general announcements and dates!

Start plants from seeds, cuttings, & transplanting. Discuss soil mixes, irrigation and watering, nursery layout, best management for health, plant ID, seed collection, & mulch more!


For some specific information about germinating California native plants, check out the articles at Gardening and Landscaping with California Native Plants.

Dive into! Propagation information is found under the Landscaping Information section for each plant.

Check our books on the topics of seed germination and nursery science both at Chapter Meetings and Special Events. The Dara E Emery SEED PROPAGATION book and webpage are also useful for novices and experts alike.

Stop by our Chapter’s ONLINE SEED STORE to see what’s available this season. Seed collecting begins in late spring and we have plenty of fresh seed to try starting in the summer.

Photo credit: Torrey Neel

SHARE your success stories with our chapter blog, written articles, or online discussion group. Much of our growing knowledge is shared by thoughtful plant lovers like you. Thank you!

Page updated June 2023

Banner Photo: Erika Daniel