Mini Grant Projects
Who can apply: Persons, schools, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Up to $500
Fund uses: Supplies for educational & science projects, semi-public and public landscaping, habitat restoration, or competitive gardening events, including native plants, fees and/or permits, irrigation parts, landscaping, and/or rental, permit, or pass fees for project-required transportation. Bulk office supply, computer soft/hardware, and field tools may be considered if returned to the Chapter Treasurer with only normal wear and tear at the completion of the project. May NOT be used to pay people/staff for their work, nor pay for food & drink, household bills, clothing, etc.
Payment: By reimbursement for receipts and supporting documents submitted to the Chapter Treasurer via mail or email. Payment may be denied if expenses are outside the approved project scope, reporting requirements are not met as agreed, or under other reasonable concern by the CNPS-San Diego Board. Applicant must guarantee all expenses submitted were spent on the approved project, not used for other projects or misappropriated under penalty of fraud per California Civil Code - CIV§ 3294.
Requirements-The project must:
Further our mission: The mission of CNPS-San Diego is to conserve San Diego and Imperial County native plants and their natural habitats, and to increase everyone’s understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants.
Promote the public good and showcase native plants of San Diego and/or Imperial Counties.
For botanical studies, promote factual science and sound botanical research.
For landscape/garden projects, native plants must cover at least 1/2 (50%) of the planting area and be at least 2/3 (66%) of the total new plant count.
Process and Timeline
Applications will be accepted at any time of year.
A. Download Mini Grant Application here: Mini Grant Application (pdf)
B. Submit completed application, a comprehensive Plant List showing at least genus and species, and photos or a map of the proposed project site by email to mini grants OR mail to CNPS-San Diego at the address below.
C. The Mini Grant Coordinator or chapter President will present the application at the Board meeting following completed application receipt. The Board shall vote to approve or reject the Project. The result of the vote shall be provided to the applicant within 1 week of the vote. The Board may reject a mini grant project if sufficient funds are not in the chapter’s budget. On the request of the applicant, the project may be reconsidered following the next year’s budget approval or when funds become available.
D. If approved, the Mini Grant Coordinator or President shall assign a Board member to be the liaison between the applicant and the Board; liaison will work with the applicant to ensure the project meets requirements.
E. Following approval, applicant shall submit:
1. A timetable of the proposed project progression.
2. Reporting schedule developed by the liaison and applicant.
3. Applicant shall submit proof the Project has met all permit/permission requirements, if any are needed.
ADDITIONAL FOR GARDENS & LANDSCAPING (vs. scientific studies):
4. A timeline extending a minimum of 2 years or to the end of plant establishment period. The timeline shall address how the project shall be maintained, owned, and accessed.
F. Completion of the mini grant process shall be defined as confirmation that all of the materials to be reimbursed have been purchased and used and/or the $500 grant limit has been met, AND a report is provided stating the results of the project; OR the project is abandoned AND a brief report is provided stating the results of the project and reason for abandonment.
Email a completed application form to mini grants or to the address below for Board consideration of your project.
CNPS-San Diego
P.O. Box 121390
San Diego, CA 92112-1390
Banner photo by Bobbie Stephenson