In-person Casa del Prado Rm 101, Balboa Park
7:00 Browsing & Socializing
7:30 Meeting and Presentation
Chapter meetings are free and open to the public.
Guest Speaker Jon Green is presenting Preserving Wright’s Field Ecological Preserve in Alpine
Jon Green
Jon Green is a Restoration Ecologist with River Partners managing invasive species removal and habitat restoration projects in San Diego and Imperial Counties, with a focus on riparian habitats, at this time primarily along the Alamo River which flows into the Salton Sea. Jon also served as the Preserve Manager for Wright’s Field Ecological Preserve in Alpine for a decade from 2011-2021. During that time, he worked on threatened and endangered species protection and enhancement efforts within Wright’s Field, specifically on San Diego thornmint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia) populations found in Alpine. This talk will cover both efforts, but with CNPS’s ongoing work to protect critical habitat at Wright’s Field from current development pressure, Jon will focus his talk primarily on the open space areas under threat of being lost in Alpine.